- 1961
(EDWINの名はDENIMの5文字を自由に並べ換えた社名。ものづくりへのスピリットが込められている)The birth of EDWIN
The company began the domestic sewing of denim imported from America.
Domestic, made-in-Japan jeans were born under the label of "EDWIN."
(The company name EDWIN comes from the free rearrangement of the letters spelling out the word DENIM, incorporating the company's spirit for manufacturing)- 1963
ONE WASH、「359BF」誕生。
359BFの革ラベルのEDWINロゴは、現在のロゴのもとになっている。Birth of the ONE WASH "359BF"
16oz rainbow selvedge denim using Peruvian Tangüis cotton was woven and developed, representing an original concept from the materials up. It was released as authentic domestic jeans with the name "359BF."
In order to solve the problems of fading, shrinkage, and hardness of the American jeans that had been imported, one-wash processing was developed. The one-wash process, which brought stability and comfort to the jeans, came to be an indispensable process for jeans in the future.
The EDWIN logo used on the leather "359BF" label is the base of the current brand logo. Also, this 359BF style of jeans represents the origin of the EDWIN 503(Japanese name) leather label and name.- 1964
EDWIN 1000シリーズ発売、
Straight 1001、Flare1003、Slim 1005、ヒップボーンハンガーと言われた股上の浅いシルエット。Release of the EDWIN 1000 Series, the Straight 1001,
Flare 1003, Slim 1005, and the shallow rise silhouette known as the hip bone hanger.- 1965
EDWIN 1050シリーズ発売。 Straight 1051、Flare 1053、Slim 1055
Release of the EDWIN 1050 Series, as well as the Straight 1051, Flare 1053, and Slim 1055.
- 1969
- 「Button-Up Flare」、「Dungaree」を発売。Release of the "Button-Up Flare" and "Dungaree."